
Chicken Tarragon Pasta,Litanies and Leprechauns

GOTG has been ignored this past month in other mundane routines and a rather uninspiring series of salad suppers .
Meanwhile I've climbed the first few rungs on the Twitter ladder, added a few tweeple and twittle twattled (new eh? Twictionary, pls take note!).
    I have also done some pretty stupid things (aside some bot-like tweets that is!) - like spray Cilit Bang (who put it in my spot cleaner corner?!) on the collars of quite a few Thomas Pink whites one hassled weekday night. I'm happy to report what comes out of a 30 degree wash cycle is still herringbone and not a flimsy cheesecloth, whew!
    And pontificate with H endlessly (read: defend vigorously) the other evening, aspects of much loved European je ne se quas versus American 'cookie-cutter'edness(to quote Scarlett Johansson) and general lack of soul, fuelled by a rerun of Vicky Cristina Barcelona.

Despite the few domestic harikari however , some tasty weeknight treats emerged, of which this Chicken and Tarragon Pasta (recipe here) was a classy way to mend fences. I was out of spinach so substituted with equally salubrious broccoli instead.

Talking of greens, Happy St Paddy's Day to all - hope you got the goodies and not the pinches ;)